Mittwoch, 30. April 2008

$725 gets you a ticket to MLB's All-Star Game

Fans will pay starry prices for this year's All-Star game at Yankee Stadium. Tickets will be priced at $150-$725 for the July 15 game, Major League Baseball announced Tuesday. That's up from $75-$285 for last year's game at San Francisco and $10-15 for box and reserved seats the last time the All-Stars were at Yankee Stadium, in 1977.

Can we rescue OLPC from Windows?

FSF president Richard Stallman calls on Negroponte and the OLPC project leadership to reject overtures by Microsoft and recognize the importance of free software to its core educational mission. RMS has just started using one as his main machine.

Obama's Reverend Wright Press Conference

he denounces Wright....LET"S MOVE ON!

Huge Squid has World's Largest Eye

Scientists studying the carcass of what they call the heaviest squid ever found have discovered it has eyes as big as soccer balls -- reportedly the largest in the world.

Carnival Cuisine: 10 Really Unhealthy Foods

There’s no better place to get your greasy grub on than at a state fair. But these people take deep-frying to a whole new level, a level that makes my fried calamari look like child’s play.

Ten Things You Should Know About 'Grand Theft Auto'

"Grand Theft Auto IV" is the videogame event of the year, industry pundits swear. It is projected to sell 9 million copies on its Tuesday debut, besting the record set last autumn by Microsoft's golden child, "Halo 3." Wondering why there's such frothing demand for a "murder simulator" that lets players live out their deepest, darkest fantasies--

10 Embarrassing (and Alleged) Affairs of Sports Stars

Roger Clemens isn't the first athlete to be accused of cheating on his wife. All things considered, his situation qualifies as one of the Ten Most Embarrassing Sports Affairs of modern times. Here are the others

Amazing stunts by young boy

Some low freestyle action by very young guy! Doing incredible tricks on his bike!

The End of Everything

It can be said that humans have a bit of a short term view of things. We're concerned about the end of summer, the next school year, and maybe even retirement. But these are just a blink of an eye in cosmic terms. Let's really think big, stare forward in time, and think about what the future holds for the Universe.

Madonna Can Still Lure Fans With Candy

It is not yet time to stick a fork in Madonna. The grande dame of pop isn't done just yet. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee has succeeded for so long, with more than 200 million records sold worldwide since 1982, in large measure because she's always had a knack for identifying interesting trends and adopting them as her own.

TeaCube Makes Steeping Easy

Hands free and a good cup of tea. What more could a tea lover ask for!

The Man who Flies with the Fishes

May 5 is Children’s Day in Japan, a national holiday. In the weeks leading up to this day, large flags shaped like carp called koi nobori begin to appear, hanging from city apartment balconies, flying atop poles in farmhouse gardens, and strung in long lines across country rivers.

Court rejects RIAA's 'making available' piracy argument

In Atlantic v. Howell, Judge Neil V. Wake denied the labels' motion for summary judgment in a 17-page decision (PDF), allowing the suit to proceed to trial. The argument--that merely the act of making music files available for download constituted copyright infringement--has been the basis for the Recording Industry Association of America's legal b

Stunning Aerial Pics of Sonoran Desert Via Paraglider

Some of the pics are spectacular. This Mexican desert is unique: proximity to the ocean produces a uniquely diverse ecosystem & terrain. Photog, George Steinmetz, flies motorized paraglider; also takes remote-controlled close-ups. A true pioneer, almost everything this guy does is interesting, usually great, sometimes amazing.

Web in infancy, says Berners-Lee

The world wide web is "still in its infancy", the web's inventor Sir Tim Berners-Lee has told BBC News.

How to blend two animals together

How to mix two creatures into one using Photoshop; includes instructions on masking and blending tools.

The Ultimate Act of Sportsmanship

Western Oregon senior Sara Tucholsky had never hit a home run in her career. She hit a home run to take the lead vs. Central Washington, then tore her ACL rounding the bases. If a player on her team touched her the play would result in an out. Then her opponent said 'Excuse me, would it be OK if we carried her around and she touched each bag?'

Understanding the Global Rice Crisis

What's behind the current food shortages: Is the increase in ethanol production to blame or is hoarding the problem?

Man In Inner Tube Completes First Lazy Transatlantic Journey

Arriving to the cheers of thousands of excited onlookers gathered at the Les Minimes marina to witness history in the making, insurance-claims adjuster Gary Morgan, 42, completed the first nonstop leisurely solo float across the Atlantic Ocean in an inflated rubber tube Tuesday.

The Heartbeat of Liberty City - GTA IV Easter Egg

There's a chained, beating heart inside the Statue of Happiness. Seriously

Why Does the Brain Need So Much Power?

It is well established that the brain uses more energy than any other human organ, accounting for up to 20 percent of the body's total haul.

NASA image of the day - A Place in the Universe

This montage of planetary images was taken by spacecraft managed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Included are (from top to bottom) images of Mercury, Venus, Earth (and moon), Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. The spacecraft responsible for these images are as follows:

How to Sabotage a Presidential Campaign by Reverend Wright

From the moment he entered the room, Wright seemed to be looking to stir controversy; he was escorted by Jamil Muhammad, a leader of the Nation of Islam, which contributed to the minister's prominent security detail.

World's first cloned horse has foal

The world's first cloned horse, Prometea, has had a foal, writes Roger Highfield.

Teen Plots to Kill Jesus

Federal authorities say a South Carolina teen accused of plotting to blow up his high school told police that he wanted to die, go to heaven and kill Jesus.

BMW updates classic M1 sports car

"BMW today is proudly — boastfully — showing its M1 Homage, a tribute to a legendary super-sports car that began production 30 years ago. This M1, however, is only a concept."

Sleepy bear can't stay awake

And now for your daily dose of cuteness: A snoozing bear cub can hardly keep its snout up.

Ecuador Considers Right to Women's Sexual Pleasure

A new inalienable right could be enshrined soon in Ecuador's constitution: the pursuit of sexual happiness for women.

Hebrew press 1932: Hitler makes a good impression

The date is January 28, 1932. Haaretz' correspondent in Berlin, Gershon Savitt, reports from the courthouse. In the defendant's chair is Adolf Hitler, the leader of the Nazi party, who is facing a libel suit filed by his former friend, Walter Stennes.

The Amazing Harold Edgerton (1903 -1990)

An atom bomb explosion caught at 1/100,000,000ths of a second.

Plastic from plants (Video)

This video explains how scientists have created an environmentally friendly plastic from wheat. (2:00)

Does sex addiction exist?

We're addicted to sex, some men say. Are they really?

Titan Launch Pad Tower Blown Up at Cape Canaveral [PICS]

Cape Canaveral's Titan launch pad gantry was demolished on Sunday. The tower was built in the 1990's to support the US Air Force Titan 4 rocket program. It was used for NASA missions as well, including the Cassini-Huygens Saturn mission in 1997. Launch Complex 40 is being demolished and then refurbished to make way for the new SpaceX Launchpad

Programmers Don't Read Books -- But You Should

If programmers don't learn from books today, how do they learn to program? They do it the old-fashioned way: by rolling up their sleeves and writing code -- while harnessing the collective wisdom of the internet in a second window. The internet has rendered programming books obsolete. It's faster, more efficient, and just plain smarter to get your

Hurricane Expert: School Silencing Me Over Global-Warming Vi

Bill Gray, pioneer of hurricane forecasting, says Colorado State is scaling back support of his yearly storm predictions because of his unorthodox views on climate change.

Microsoft device helps police pluck evidence from cyberscene

Microsoft has developed a small plug-in device that investigators can use to quickly extract forensic data from computers that may have been used in crimes.The COFEE, which stands for Computer Online Forensic Evidence Extractor, is a USB "thumb drive" that was quietly distributed to a handful of law-enforcement agencies last June.

Six Bizarre Diseases

Maple Syrup Urine Disease, Exploding Head Syndrome, Shrinking Penis Syndrome? As if we didn't have enough to worry about.

Artificial intelligence boosts science from Mars

AI being used at the European Space Operations Centre is giving a powerful boost to ESA's Mars Express as it searches for signs of past or present life on the Red Planet.

Albert Hofmann, inventor of LSD, dies.

Albert Hofmann, who died on Tuesday aged 102, synthesised lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in 1938 and became the first person in the world to experience a full-blown acid trip. RIP Hofmann.

What's Worse Than Serving A Life Sentence Without Parole

sharing a cell with a twitter addict.

Chaos in the Print Shop

Very cool promo video

Fox News is Responsive to the Linux Community

The Linux community spoke and listened. I received a polite message late today from Mr. Dave Denis the Director, Product Development at Fox News. Mr. Denis stated that Fox News is now aware of the problem with their Video page and is working with Maven Networks to get it fixed.

Dienstag, 29. April 2008

Cracked: The truth about the spinning dancer

The popular circulating email with the spinning dancer, asking readers to tell if she's spinning clock-wise or anti-clock-wise and hence determining the more dominant side of your brain. The mystery behind it has been cracked.

Future Crytek titles will be multi-platform, no PC Exclusive

The PC Play magazine has released an English version of an interview it did with Cevat Yerli, president of the German Studio Crytek, which is well known for developing Crysis. In the interview they discuss the success and failures of Crysis, but more importantly the state of the PC gaming industry.

Half man, half chimp - should we beware the apeman's coming?

He said if a female chimpanzee was inseminated with human sperm the two species would be closely enough related that a hybrid could be born.

AT&T to cut the price of Apple’s new iPhone

AT&T is planning to put some extra shine on the even sleeker new Apple iPhone.When the 3G iPhone is introduced this summer, AT&T, the exclusive U.S. iPhone sales partner with Apple, will cut the price by as much as $200, according to a person familiar with the strategy.

18 Features Windows Should Have (but Doesn't)

Some of the coolest OS features are nowhere to be found in Windows XP or Vista. Here are 18 brilliant features that Microsoft should beg for, borrow, or steal--plus tips on how you can add many of them to your PC now.

Top Gun 2008, the Movie (Without Cruise, Fortunately)

Not everything was about the stunning A-10 Warthog at last week's Top Gun 2008 competition, the largest R/C event in the world. 10,000 people watched the 120 invitation-only R/C airplane competition—which included everything from from World War I Fokker fighters to WW2's Mustangs and Lightnings to Vietnam War's Phantoms

Unreal Interview With 7 y/o Who Stole Car & Went on Joyride

This 7 year old hit two parked cars, ran over two mailboxes, and hit two moving vehicles, totaling his grandma's car. His answer to the question 'Did you know that you could perhaps kill somebody?' -- "Yea, but I wanted to do hoodrat things for my friends"

Why I love Digg

Dead feces guy

Hawk Found Dead With Claw Sticking Through Chest

In what looks like a scene out of the movie 'Alien,' a California animal rescue worker finds a hawk with a claw protruding from its chest.

Algae protein can one day be used in treatment for blindness

Blind mice have been made to sense light by inserting a protein derived from algae into their eyes. A similar method could one day be used to treat certain forms of blindness in humans,

April 29, 1964: Godzilla, Mothra Clash for First Time

1964: Mothra vs. Godzilla makes its screen debut in Japan. Or was it Mothra Against Godzilla, Godzilla vs. Mothra or Godzilla vs. The Thing? By whatever name you choose -- and it went by all of them at one time or another -- for those of us who grew up watching these entertaining romps, this is the quintessential Godzilla movie.

Study Shows Games Help Reduce Stress

If you’re feeling stressed, forget about “calm blue ocean” mantras and squishy toys to squeeze. Instead, a new study from East Carolina University says you should fire up a casual game.

Houston Rockets Players Impersonate Dikembe Mutombo

Houston Rockets players give their impressions of Dikembe Mutombo for an Fox Sports Network piece shown at halftime of the Rockets-Nets game on March 10, 2008.

It's official: Rogers to bring iPhone to Canada this year

Canadian wireless carrier Rogers Wireless said Tuesday it has reached an agreement with Apple to begin offering the iPhone later this year. "We're thrilled to announce that we have a deal with Apple to bring the iPhone to Canada later this year," the carrier said in a statement. "We can't tell you any more about it right now, but stay tuned."

Amazing Ford KA Commercial

Great concept and animation..the monsters are absolutely lovable! Not sure the car is that spacious though :)

A faster, cheaper way to catch criminals

Federal researchers say they've developed a human identification test that's faster and possibly cheaper than DNA testing.

Modular Robot Reassembles Itself When Kicked Apart

A robot developed by roboticists at the University of Pennsylvania is made of modules that can recognize each other and reassemble when kicked apart. When physically damaged, the T-1000 is capable of reforming itself in seconds, closing up bullet holes and reattaching limbs. Ooops, sorry :) The last sentence is from a different story.

Howard Dean: Obama Or Clinton Must Drop Out In June

Finally, an end in sight?

Bill Gates outed as the worst greenhouse gas offender

MIT has begun to track the carbon footprint of different lifestyle in different nations. And the picture painted for the U.S. isn’t pretty: If you are looking for people with the worst carbon footprint, look among the super-rich such as Bill Gates and Oprah Winfrey,

Ex-Fed Official Says Bear Deal Worst Mistake in a Generation

The Federal Reserve's moves to prop up Bear Stearns Cos. will come to be seen as "the worst policy mistake in a generation," the former head of monetary affairs at the Fed. The Fed's moves "eliminated forever the possibility the Fed could serve as an honest broker," Mr. Reinhart said.

Is there a legal right to be obese?

In an overwhelmingly overweight nation that worships thinness, many describe prejudice against the obese as one of the last socially acceptable biases. Advocates for the plus-sized, particularly activists in the "fat acceptance" movement, want obesity to become a category legally protected against discrimination, like religion, race, age and...

Geeks vs Nerds - Star Trek or Quantum Mechanics?

Are you a geek or a nerd? I’ve spent most of my life believing I was a geek, but have just been told that I am, in fact, a nerd. You can imagine my shock.

Artist dangling horizontally out of a skyscraper

Dangling horizontally out of a skyscraper, this hovering figure looks set to fall to his doom. But this 'jumper' hasn't just lost it all on a game of chance - this is performance art with a difference.

The Films of Stanley Kubrick

A YouTube tribute to one of the Greatest Filmmakers of all time.

Buffett: Economy in a recession, will be worse than feared

"Warren Buffett, the world's richest person, said Monday that the U.S. economy is in a recession that will be more severe than most people expect."

Bishop uses YouTube to warn of internet dangers

The Catholic Bishop of Wollongong is appearing in a YouTube video warning parents and adults of the dangers the internet poses to young people.In the video, which runs for just under four minutes, Bishop Peter Ingham compares the internet to a theme park with good and bad elements.

Battle of the Beer Blogs: Bud vs. Miller

Last month, James Arndorfer broke a story that Anheuser-Busch Cos. was readying a new brew called Budweiser American Ale. With his dispatch, Mr. Arndorfer beat the giant brewer's own publicity machine to the punch. Making the story more irritating for Anheuser-Busch: Mr. Arndorfer's beer-news site is owned by Bud's biggest rival.

Secret Cellar Was 'Beyond Belief'.

A full confession from the father who deceived the world by keeping his children captive. Josef Fritzl turned his cellar into a dungeon incarcerating his daughter for 24 years, and forcing her to bear his seven children. Sky's Greg Milam reports.

Beating the codebreakers with quantum cryptography

Cryptography is an arms race, but the finish line may be fast approaching. Up to now, each time the codemakers made a better mousetrap, codebreakers breed a better mouse. But quantum cryptography theoretically could outpace the codebreakers and win the race. Forever.

7 Confessions Of An Apple Macintosh Specialist

I glanced down and spotted something on the ground. As I knelt down to pick it up I saw it was a tattered white envelope bearing the words, "7 Confessions of an Apple Mac Specialist." Its contents, inside...

Google's pointers on countering Web spam

Matt Cutts, head of Google's Webspam team and an engineer who's been working on the problem for eight years, offered some tips about combating it during a speech at the Web 2.0 Expo here.

Very cruel joke

This video can change your perceptions about the jokes

GTA IV: Could Be Hollywood's Biggest Summer Competition

Tuesday's release of Grand Theft Auto IV is expected to be so big, there's a real concern in Hollywood that the video game could dampen the box office for the May 2nd release of Iron Man.

Space war would leave destructive legacy

If war ever breaks out in space it's not the loss of individual satellites that will do the damage, but the debris this produces. It will stay in orbit and go on harming satellites for decades, according to two studies presented at the American Physical Society meeting in St Louis, Missouri, last week.

Putting Your Heart in a Robot's Hands

Doctors Report Patients Heal More Quickly

Researchers Build Micro Spider-Silk Spinner

A new study should delight fans of the comic book superhero Spider-Man. Researchers from the Munich Technical University (M.T.U.) in Germany have built a microfluidics (miniature plumbing) system for spinning short strands of artificial spider silk.

The Man Who Invented Mars

Long before the space race and space shuttle, a brilliant, wealthy, charming Boston Brahmin named Percival Lowell popularized the idea that we are not alone in the universe. As the next US spacecraft prepares to descend upon the Red Planet, it's an idea worth revisiting.

The 9 Toughest States On Distracted Drivers

States are cracking down on motorists who insist on multitasking while driving. We found the states with the toughest penalties for distracted drivers.

Top ten greatest experiments

George Johnson celebrates the great thinkers whose home-brewed experiments transformed our world

Iran calls for ban on Barbie doll

Iran's top prosecutor has called for restrictions in the import of Western toys, saying they have a destructive effect on the country's youth.

Apollo 17 Landscape [img]

Dramatic seamless panorama assembled by Mike Constantine.

Illegal iPhones, Apple of Russian Elites' Eyes

"These powerful officials are not alone in their interest. There are approximately 500,000 iPhone users in Russia -- a country where the phone is not officially for sale, according to Eldar Murtazin, head of analysis at Mobile Research Group in Moscow, citing data obtained from Russia's cellphone operators."

The New York Times reviews GTA IV

A strange review of Liberty City by the New York Times.

10 of the World's Most Endangered Places

See them before they're gone!

Is Mathematics Discovered or Invented?

"For centuries people have debated whether – like scientific truths – mathematics is discoverable, or if it is simply invented by the minds of our great mathematicians."I could understand this if we were speaking about physics or astronomy but mathematics...Come on....!

Gears Of War Crimes Court: Locust Horde Massacre Justified

An independent group holding a Gears of War Crimes Tribunal at the Coalition of Ordered Governments headquarters Wednesday to assess whether Delta Squad members Colonel Hoffman, Marcus Fenix, and Dominic Santiago had committed atrocities against the Locust Horde found the three super-soldiers' actions justified.

The Best Multivitamin for You—and 11 to Steer Clear of

You've been told for years that popping a multivitamin every day might help you live longer. But the daily multi habit has been getting a bit of bad press lately.

For Gamers, the Craving Won’t Quit

Despite pressure on consumers’ entertainment budgets, they keep spending more money on games. Over all, the industry is having a banner year. “People say that if consumers are down to their last $50, the last three things they’ll buy are milk, eggs and video games,” said Colin Sebastian, a video game industry

wearable computer systems: RallyPoint Handwear Computer

Some U.S. soldiers in Iraq are already equipped with wearable computer systems. But the lack of efficient input devices restricts their use to safer environments, such as the interior of a Humvee or a base station, where the soldier can set down his weapon and use the keyboard or mouse tethered to his body. Now RallyPoint, a startup based in Cambri

Montag, 28. April 2008

Are nanobots on their way?

The first real steps towards building a microscopic device that can construct nano machines have been taken by US researchers. Writing in the peer-reviewed publication, International Journal of Nanomanufacturing from Inderscience Publishers, researchers describe an early prototype for a nanoassembler.

31 TV Shows you Loved, Lost

We look back at canceled series. See why Jericho, Veronica Mars, Arrested Development are among those you'd revive at your pop culture seance.

Backlash starts against 'sexy' databases

The "group grope" to find a new database engine

Stunning Lego Creations (PICS)

Lego is a world mania for sure. From kids to adults, it is the toy of choice to thousands, probably millions of people world wide. And when it comes to cool creations, we find awesome stuff really easy.

Austrian woman's ordeal: First pictures of secret dungeon

Josef Fritzl, 73, admitted to police that all the children were his. Three of them - Kerstin, 19, Stefan, 18, and Felix, five - were held captive with their mother in a series of windowless rooms and never saw the sunlight until they were freed on Saturday. Incredibly, three others, Alexander, 12, Monika, 14, and Lisa, 16, were raised in the home..

What do other Game Developers Think of GTA IV?

Jaffe: "As a developer, I am crapping in my pants. The game seems so big and so vast and there are so many things you can do that it has not simply raised the bar as to what is expected in a AAA game, but it's taken the bar and hurled it into outer space."

Average C.E.O. versus average worker

In 1970, the average US C.E.O. earned 28 times more than the average worker. Can you guess what's the difference in 2005?

Smarter Women Have Worse Sex

BRAINY babes find it harder to have an orgasm – because they are too busy thinking, a study claims.

Draft yields quantity, and plenty of quality, for Chiefs

Two days, seven rounds and 252 picks are in the books for the 2008 NFL draft. Michigan's Jake Long started things off -- days before the draft -- and Idaho linebacker David Vobora ended the draft as this year's Mr. Irrelevant.

Recession Diet - Consumers Giving Up Meat and Name Brands

Stung by rising gasoline and food prices, Americans are finding creative ways to cut costs on routine items like groceries. “It hasn’t gotten to human food mixed with pet food yet, but it is certainly headed in that direction.”

20th anniversary ed of the hitchhiker's guide text adventure

The Hitchhiker's Guide adventure game was one of the best-selling games of its era, selling some 350,000 copies. In 1984. The Infocom origins of the game are still evident, from the opening credits to the 'Help' message.

Why doesn't Microsoft out-innovate Apple?

Microsoft spent $7.4 billion last year on research and development. Apple spent $844 million. Yet Apple seems to deliver far more innovative products to market.

VisualRank:"Google algo" rankin images tht look most similar

Google researchers say they have a software technology intended to do for digital images on the Web what the company’s original PageRank software did for searches of Web pages.VisualRank, an algorithm for blending image-recognition software methods with techniques for weighting and ranking images that look most similar.

What laptop does Steve Ballmer use for his presentations?

What laptop does Steve Ballmer use for his presentations? Right...

Jay-Z gets involved with Lebron/Stevenson feud

Jay-Z, a friend of Lebron James, cuts a song that disses Stevenson and played at a D.C nightclub

Orangutan attempts to hunt fish with spear [ With PIC ]

A male orangutan, clinging precariously to overhanging branches, flails the water with a pole, trying desperately to spear a passing fish.

Smiley Face Serial Killer of College Men Nationwide

Could there be a calculated, cross-country plot to kill young college men, including some in Minnesota? It seems a little hard to believe, but two New York detectives say they can prove it. City after city, when they'd find the spot where the body went in, they would find something else: The symbol of a smiley face.

Hiphopopotamus vs. Rhymenoceros

Flight of the Conchords

Amnesty's Video Reenacts CIA Waterboarding Torture

Amnesty International waterboarding ad of the 'Unsubscribe Me' campaign, where they actually filmed someone really getting waterboarded, will play in movie theaters starting May 12th. Another video of a guy getting put into a stress position was released a couple of months ago.

Official: Apple updates iMac

As rumored last week, Apple just updated it's iMac all-in-one desktop.

BlackBerry’s Quest: Fend Off the iPhone

Once the exclusive domain of e-mail-obsessed professionals, smartphones are now prized by consumers who want easy access to the Web, digital music and video.

Bill Vs. Barack

When Hillary Clinton’s Presidential campaign was launched, in January, 2007, her supporters feared that Bill would overshadow her, as he had when they both spoke at the funeral of Coretta Scott King, a year earlier. Now the constant fear is that he will embarrass her.

Badly Injured Man Not Done Partying Yet

Veteran partier Adam Girard announced his intentions to continue partying late Saturday evening, assuring onlookers that the multiple injuries he had sustained over the previous six hours did not require medical attention, and were not severe enough to prematurely end the festivities.

Ninja Cat Strikes

You never see it coming until it's too late.

Bush pokes fun at his successors (really)

US President George W Bush poked fun at his potential successors during his last White House Correspondents' Association dinner.

One Guy Who Has Seen It All Doesn't Like What He Sees Now

Peter Bernstein has witnessed just about every financial crisis of the past century. Mr. Bernstein says, is worse than he has seen since the Depression and threatens to roil markets into 2009 and beyond -- longer than many people expect.

Exclusive Video: Psystar in the Wild

It's alive. Reader Patrick is lucky enough to be using one of the few Psystar Open Computing machines that have made it into the wild, and he was generous enough to make a video showing the machine (including the connections in the back to the monitor to show that it's legit). It's also pretty fast.

xkcd presents: ZEALOUS CONFIG

I'd add an apt description, but in the rush to post it on Digg, I haven't actually read it yet.

The Science of Thinking Smarter

Intellectual capital is what business is all about in the knowledge economy. Yet as with any new field of knowledge, there’s a lot of hype about the benefits that recent developments in brain science might bring—for example, the popular notion that executives can become better leaders by emulating the “management” secrets of the human brain.

Doomed Chernobyl reactor to be buried in giant steel coffin

Twenty-two years after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, work is under way on a colossal new shelter to cover the ruins and deadly radioactive contents of the exploded Soviet-era power plant.

Super Mario Unreal Tournament Mod

Playable UT Super Mario Mod in 2D

Girl, 17, killed in Iraq for loving a British soldier

A 17-year-old Iraqi girl was murdered by her father in an honour killing after falling in love with a British soldier she met while working on an aid programme in Basra, it has been claimed.Rand Abdel-Qader was stamped upon, suffocated and stabbed by her father, then given an unceremonious burial to emphasise her disgrace...

Where is your gas money going?

Another day, another high.The average price for gasoline on Long Island is at a record-setting $3.791 a gallon for regular, says the AAA. And diesel? Fuhgeddaboutit: It averaged $4.648 a gallon.But where is all that cash going?

Filming of Sex Scene Halted After Someone Farted Too Loudly

"Actors Helen Hunt and Colin Firth were in a naked embrace on the set of forthcoming film 'Then She Found Me' but the mood was ruined when a crew member suffered a bout of extremely loud flatulence. Helen said: 'What just happened?' Some noble soul put his hand up and admitted that they did it." 'Pics or it didn't happen!' comment in 4, 3, 2...

Is technology ruining children?

Technology is moulding a generation of children unable to think for themselves or empathise with others, says the leading brain scientist Susan Greenfield. Is it time to switch off?

Pentagon Suddenly Suspends Bush War Propaganda Investigation

Internal Pentagon documents show Defense Department officials referred to retired officers as “surrogates” or “message force multipliers” who could be counted on to deliver administration “themes and messages” in the form of their own opinions. The Pentagon said it was halting briefings and all interactions with retired military officers

1Up gives GTA IV an A+

Another perfect score for Niko and company...

Stephane Ortelli Walks Away From Spectacular Crash At Monza

Stephane Ortelli was lucky to walk away, or perhaps we should say "limp away," from this horrific crash in Le Mans series racing at Monza today.

How UK video games are rated

Given that the average gamer is aged 23 or above, it's perhaps no surprise that a lot of games are rated over-18 only. But who are the guardians of taste and decency and how do they decide a videogame's age rating?

What's the next big thing for the wireless industry?

There's grand talk throughout the tech world about a wave of new networks and wireless innovation that will provide better Internet access, deliver streaming video and foster an array of consumer-friendly features.

Philippines' dancing jail; everyone wants to go inside

The central Philippine island of Cebu is renowned as a holiday destination but these days it's the provincial jail not the balmy beaches that's drawing in the visitors.Inmates at the prison shot to fame last year when a video clip of them gyrating in synch to Michael Jackson's "Thriller" as part of their exercise regime became a You Tube hit.

The day I could no longer cope with my autistic son

This is a sad story, poor kid......When her son Dale was three, Nuala Gardner contemplated suicide. She reveals the hidden despair facing full-time carers - and how she kept going.

Golden Years of Television Find New Life on the Web

Is there still money to be made from “Matlock”? Within the last few months, television distributors have opened up their libraries of classic content online, making thousands of episodes of programs like “The Twilight Zone” and “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” available free.

iTunes Store May Capture 1/4 of Worldwide Music by 2012

Apple's iTunes store turns five years old Monday. If trends continue, it will be selling more than one-quarter of all music globally within the next five years.

Mike from punch to paunch

One shocked onlooker said: “Mike was known as the Baddest Man on the Planet. Now he’s heading for the title of Flabbiest Man on the Planet.”

Taser parties - for all your zapping needs

Dana Shafman has brought this tradition to a literally stunning new level with its newest incarnation – a women’s Taser party.

Design for the Raiders Flying Wing [img]

Original concept sketch by Ron Cobb and Norman Reynolds for the Nazi flying wing in Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Solar power, weeds and algae to fuel armed forces of future

Britain's armed forces could acquire a new tinge of green under plans to end the military dependency on fossil fuels.

CIA Letters Give Rationale for Torture: Stopping Terrorism

The Justice Department has told Congress that U.S. operatives trying to thwart terrorist attacks may use interrogation methods that might otherwise be barred under international law. The legal interpretation, outlined in recent letters, sheds new light on the still-secret rules for interrogations by the Central Intelligence Agency.

How savage pirates reign on the world's high seas

It has become the most dangerous strip of sea in the world with weekly attacks on European ships. Off the Somalian coast brutal pirates are hijacking luxury yachts, vast cruise liners and even food aid ships and demanding - and getting - huge ransoms. Xan Rice reports on the ancient menace that has become a modern peril

Obama's Prescient Judgment Again

Obama warned of the impending mortgage crisis a year ago. Here's the relevant letter on March 22, 2007. On this and on Iraq nd on Pakistan, his actual judgment simply put him on a level far beyond Clinton and McCain, let alone the current president. Judge for yourself:

Sonntag, 27. April 2008

Sharing Salary Figures on Facebook

A new generation is less afraid to flirt with what many over 35 consider the last taboo in American life: discussing salary openly with friends and colleagues.

Where did that fuzz come from Otto?

Otto, a very guilty Boston Terrier

The way to a man's heart? Through his left ear

Research suggests that declarations of love, jokes, or words of anger are best remembered when they are heard through the left ear, while instructions, directions and non-emotional messages have more impact on the right side. But it's not just ears that are affected. The right eye has been shown to be best for processing colors

Austrian 'hid daughter in cellar'

A 73-year-old Austrian is under arrest on suspicion of hiding his daughter in a cellar for 24 years and fathering six children with her, police say.

Gene therapy 'aids youth's sight'

A 17-year-old whose sight was failing has had his vision improved in a pioneering operation carried out by doctors at Moorfields Eye Hospital.

Japanese Scotch Voted World's Best by Whisky Magazine

"Yoichi 20 Years Old", distilled on the shores of the Sea of Japan, has become the first variety produced outside Scotland to win the coveted Single Malt Award in an international competition run by Whisky Magazine, the main industry publication.

Air Traffic Controller Sounds Alarm

Doug Church, union spokesman for the National Air Traffic Controllers Association, says the practitioners of this unsung profession are being hung out to dry. "We're left trying to hold the system together like MacGyver — with duct tape and scissors and string."

Which version of GTA IV is better?

They are almost evenly matched, feature for feature. Gamers will have to decide which is more important to them, a slightly more technically sound experience on the PlayStation 3 or downloadable content and Xbox Live integration on the Xbox 360.

I'm Going To Scale My Foot Up Your Ass

Engineers love to talk about scalability. It makes us feel like the bad ass, dick-swingin' [swear word] that we wish we could be....People who talk big about scalability don't need to worry about it.

'Water wars' with U.S. in our future: experts

Parched U.S. states could start "water wars" in the years ahead and fight for access to Great Lakes resources as they become more desperate to meet growing needs, Canadian and American experts said yesterday at a water conference.

File Sharing Site Offers 250GB Storage Free to Diggers

This story is geared towards Diggers and I just signed up for it and liked the interface, and the ability to make files either private or public and send someone a download link rather than emailing a big file. 250GB free online

Mac & PC UK

A compilation of TV ads. from UK for Apple's Mac.

GTA 4 Review Life, Liberty City And The Pursuit Of Happiness

Grand Theft Auto needs no introduction to anyone remotely familiar with video games. But for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 entry in the series, Rockstar has upped the ante, creating a startlingly realistic reinterpretation of New York City as backdrop to a violent crime epic.

Israeli charges of Syrian Nukes turn out to be a hoax!

The few people in US intelligence circles who were actually allowed to review the evidence provided by the Israelis regarding the alleged Syrian nuclear facility have called it “bullshit.” Perhaps the mainstream media should note the implausibility of the tale being spun given the inability of Syria to support any nuclear program.

Realistically Painted Bowser

How would Mario’s arch-enemy look like, if he would be real? A Bowser Redesign painted completely in Photoshop.

The best images ever (NSFW)

This is a extended compilation of the best poster images that I found on digg. These are not safe for work.

Your Password Must Be at Least 18770 Characters

Error Message: Your Password Must Be at Least 18770 Characters and Cannot Repeat Any of Your Previous 30689 Passwords

Bye-Bye Protestant Churches. Hello Russian Orthodox Church.

The "close alliance between the government and the Russian Orthodox Church has become a defining characteristic of Mr. Putin's tenure . . . The relationship is grounded in part in a common nationalistic ideology dedicated to restoring Russia's might after the disarray that followed the end of the Soviet Union." Protestantism is not welcome.

U.S. Navy To Revive Fleet for Latin America, Caribbean

The move comes as South American nations, including Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil, and Ecuador, boost military spending to counter tensions and protect oil reserves.

How Military Spending Made the U.S Economy Broke

The neoconservatives in the White House and Pentagon failed to address the problem of how to finance their schemes of imperialist wars and global domination. As a result, the United States finds itself in the anomalous position of being unable to pay for its own elevated living standards or its wasteful, overly large military establishment.

Man Builds His Own Solar-Electric Vehicle

Although Brent Hatch's homegrown solar-electric whip looks eerily similar (read: just as ugly) to the SUNN solar car kit, this one was actually created without the help of any pre-packaged parts or sophisticated schematics.

Sean Penn leading biodiesel trek across America

Sean Penn is fighting the war in Iraq, poverty, homelessness and saving the environment, all from a bus.

Apple working on iTunes controller for iPhone?

Code found in the iPhone's firmware points to an iTunes controller as an official Apple iPhone app.

CARTOON - Hillary Is Really Winning

It's just that the definition of "win" is getting a bit hard to follow...

Japanese Obsessed with Shiny Mud Balls

Once Kayo teaches children how to make these mud balls, they become absorbed in forming a sphere, and they put all their energy into polishing the ball until it sparkles. The dorodango soon becomes the child's greatest treasure. Kayo sees in this phenomenon the essence of children's play, and he has written academic papers on the subject.

False Claims of Doctor Who 'Can Reverse' Alzheimer's Disease

A doctor who claimed to be able to reverse the effects of Alzheimer's with an arthritis drug was disciplined last year by US health chiefs for claiming the same drug could halt back pain. He was found guilty of unprofessional conduct and placed on probation for a year. He was banned from practising for 60 days.

Eight of the World’s Most Unusual Plants [PICS]

Weird is relative. What seems weird to me might not seem weird to you. In the plant kingdom, however, there are definitely some species that most people would acknowledge are highly unusual. Some of my findings follow....

Rush Limbaugh Placed on Denver's most wanted list

Denver - Following Rush Limbaugh's broadcast calling for violent riots in Denver, city officials issue a warrant for his arrest. Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper called Limbaugh a "dangerous domestic terrorist" that should be locked up. As part of his "Operation Chaos" Limbaugh is expecting Republican rioters to burn cars, houses, and kill children.

Report: 5 Britons kidnapped in Iraq being held in Iran

Five British hostages who were kidnapped in Iraq almost a year ago are being held inside Iran by Revolutionary Guards, according to two separate sources in the Middle East and London.

Miracle Fruit Makes (Almost) Everything Delicious

Miracle fruit, a berry from Africa, has a strange effect: After eating it, everything sour suddenly tastes sweet.

Detainees’ Mental Health Is Latest Legal Battle

Lawyers are trying to make a legal claim of the idea that Guantánamo’s isolation is a breeding ground for madness.

Big Media Continues to Fight Net Neutrality

Big Media has made its deal with broadband ISPs like Comcast to make sure its Internet video gets priority A-1 Express Lane carriage over the Internet. In exchange, they are supporting the ISPs' fierce opposition to net neutrality rules that would bar them from pushing everyone else's video into the Bus Lane...

Dell to Sell XP after Cutoff, Microsoft to Pretend its Vista

We've heard Microsoft hint at keeping XP on shelves longer than initially stated, but Dell is the first retailer to confirm having plans to sell the OS past the end of June. But it isn't because Microsoft's changed their policy; it's because Dell is taking advantage of a loophole in Vista licensing that lets weaselly Microsoft pad their numbers.

The revolution will not be pasteurized

The very thing that makes raw milk dangerous, its dirtiness, may make people healthier, and pasteurization could be cleansing beneficial bacteria from milk. Milk as it emerges from the teat, it seems, is both panacea and poison.

NFL Draft Analysis: Pick-by-Pick Breakdown of Rounds 1 & 2

(18) Baltimore Ravens - Grade: D, This is shocking. There were two guys on the board better at quarterback. Brian Brohm will be better. I don't like this move at all. Isn't this Kyle Boller all over again?

Man Buys $23,178 Worth Of Games & Returns Them With Blanks

During a nearly one-year period, Frank Buchanan allegedly made about 192 purchases on two credit cards at various stores. What was out of the ordinary, however, was that the 30-year-old Buchanan also allegedly had about 183 refunds on those cards.

The Cozy Suite - Building a Better Airplane Seat

Some refer to it as economy class syndrome. To others it's know as a coach class clot. But whatever you call it, sitting squeezed into an airplane seat until you develop deep vein thrombosis is no way to die. And that's why this strange new seat is worth checking out.

Pentagon Propaganda: Did the media know?

The BBC did, so did CNN and other major news networks. The question is, why wasn't the mainstream media more vigilant given that they knew the Pentagon was up to something?

Nikon Beats The Crap out of Canon at TIPA Photography Awards

The Technical Image Press Association (TIPA) has announced to results of the annual camera Oscars. The European awards are coveted by manufacturers, mostly because they get to stick the TIPA logo on the camera box and thereby shift more units.

The Large Hadron Collider - Hi Res

The Large Hadron Collider is a large physics project buried 100 metres underground on the French/Swiss border at CERN. It is based in a 27Km long tunnel and this picture is an artist's impression of the tunnel with an aerial view of the CERN site in the background. The red ring is marking where the tunnel is.

Egypt's Pyramids Packed With Seashells

Many of Egypt's most famous monuments, such as the Sphinx and Cheops, contain hundreds of thousands of marine fossils, most of which are fully intact and preserved in the walls of the structures, according to a new study.

Hackers Now Target Firefox and Safari

Many people are switching from Internet Explorer to alternative browsers such as Firefox and Safari. Though that might make them feel more secure, the shift has also opened new doors for bad guys.Case in point: We have no IE bugs to report this month, but both Firefox and Safari have been hit hard.

Revealed: Britain in Color Displayed for the Very First Time

At the start of the 20th century, the art of photography was rather more limited - to black and white images, with various shades of gray in between. Now, for the first time ever, vivid vintage pictures of a world still largely unexplored ( in color ) were revealed to a mesmerized public.

Warwick University robo nurses straight from 'Star Wars'

at the University of Warwick are helping to design 'R2D2'-type robo nurses which could be in hospitals by 2020. i-WARD is the name of the £2.6 million collaborative EU funded three-year project. It stands for Intelligent Robot Swarm for Attendance, Recognition, Cleaning and Delivery.

White House Must Resolve E-Mail Backup 'Ambiguity'

A federal judge has told the White House to answer "once and for all" whether backup tapes holding e-mail documents sought by...

H.R.5843 Act to Remove Federal Penalties Marijuana Use

H.R. 5843 would eliminate most Federal penalties for possession of marijuana for personal use.

How to quit Assassin´s Creed in 11 simple steps

Two load screens. 11 steps. A buck-thirty on the clock. "Loading?! No! I want to quit! Fine ..."

Sect Children Face Another World, but Still No TV

Because the children, from the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or F.L.D.S., have never eaten processed foods, the new shelter mantra is whole grains and fresh vegetables. Because they have never been to public school, the equivalent of home schooling will be established in shelters.

Dreamliner to Have 23-Inch Displays on First Class Seats VID

Ater spending $150 million on an empty aircraft, the client has to get into Boeing's Dreamliner showroom, like in a car dealership. There you have to pick the seats, including their their A/V equipment (like whooping 23" LCD monitors in first class,) and even the coffee pot.

Technological Breakthrough In Fight To Cut Greenhouse Gases

Scientists at Newcastle University have pioneered breakthrough technology in the fight to cut greenhouse gases. The Newcastle University team, led by Michael North, Professor of Organic Chemistry, has developed a highly energy-efficient method of converting waste carbon dioxide (CO2) into chemical compounds known as cyclic carbonates.

Kim Jong-il Builds ‘Thunderbirds’ Runway Inside Mountain

An airbase inside a mountain is the latest sign that North Korea, whose links to Syria’s nuclear programme came to light last week, is cranking up its military machine

12 Tricks to Boost Your Memory

Indisputably, we moderns can't match the memory feats of bygone times, those days when people could do things like memorize the "Iliad" in Greek without even knowing Greek. And maybe it's true, as some have speculated (me, for instance), that we've lost this capacity because we now tend to outsource our memory tasks to an exo-brain of technology.

Sex Chat Gone Wrong

You get what you pay for...LOL!

The FOX-McAuliffe Love Fest Must Stop

FOX is now using McAuliffe's praise as a TV ad to prove just how fair and balanced they are. Help us tell McAuliffe the truth.

Samstag, 26. April 2008

Does Hate Linux Users?

Try to view the Video page at from a Linux system using any browser and see what happens.

Dave Winer: Why is it so quiet after the Moyers-Wright inter

Anyone who didn't watch Moyers interview Rev Wright missed something amid all the caterwauling about his so called racism. The fact that he is a christian pastor first and foremost and speaks to his constituents with candor and the weight of historical facts on his side.

Northern lights glimmer with unexpected trait

Some light in Earth's aurora glow is polarized, a state not thought possible for the aurora. The findings may improve understanding of Earth’s upper atmosphere, its magnetic field, and the energies of particles from the Sun.

Filesharing Report Shows Explosive Growth for uTorrent

New data on the ever changing P2P landscape shows that the number of uTorrent users worldwide has more than doubled compared to last year. The BitTorrent client is most popular in Europe - with an install rate of 11.6% - and least popular in the United States, where 5.1% of the PCs have uTorrent installed.